Replacement Credit Card Reader
If you are needing a new credit card reader or replacing one for your micro market, the VP6300 is the ideal solution for micro market operators looking for a secure cashless solution. The reader supports magnetic stripe, EMV Chip, contactless cards, and NFC mobile payments. The integrated, high-contrast display, guides customers to tap, insert, or swipe and complete their transaction. Multiple brands such as Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover are supported on the VP6300. Additionally, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, are supported as well as loyalty applications of Apple VAS and Google SmartTap.
Includes: latest credit card reader model and operating software, complete with power cords and mounting plate, sent with installation guide
At a Glance: Credit card reader that utilizes the computer's network connection. Supports magnetic stripe, EMV Chip, contactless cards, and NFC mobile payments. Compatible with Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
Dimensions: 4.25 in (108 mm) X 3.46 in (85 mm) X 2.17 in (55 mm